
We are a highly motivated and versatile team of engineers who has consulted, contributed and managed dozens of projects over the past 15 years for startups and big organizations. We passionate about staying up to date on current technologies and practices, and greatly appreciate opportunities for solving problems with modern approaches.

Crash Courses

The fastest way to get started with new technologies and solutions

Duration: 2 - 3 hours

Location: remotely via video conference

Training type: Instructor led lectures and live coding demonstration

Available courses:

• Web Fundamentals.

• DevOps Fundamentals.

• AWS Fundamentals.

• Security Fundamentals.

• Git.

• Terraform.

• Docker / Kubernetes.

• Ansible.

• Packer + Docker + Ansible + ECS.

Deep Dive Courses

A complete walkthrough in order to build real and complete solutions for daily basis, based in DevOps practices and tools.

Duration: 2 days

Location: In person at organization’s office

Training type: Instructor led lectures, live coding demonstration and coding exercises

Available courses:

• Infrastructure as Code on AWS

Build a complete AWS environment with Terraform + Ansible. Defining security rules, networking layers, load balancers, servers and databases; use immutable infrastructure resources with Packer and Docker in order to deploy applications; and integrate it all together into a continuous delivery pipeline. This course covers from CLI’s tools to code repository management best practices and provide you a complete framework in order to be able to deploy a full infrastructure solution in hours, not weeks.

• Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Build a complete pipeline solution for software integration, test, delivery and deployment with Git + Jenkins / Github Actions + Ansible + Docker/Kubernetes. This course will allows you to define an software delivery strategy in order to automate all the processes related to development lifecycle of a software project.

Typical sign up for any training is 4 students.

Infrastructure provisioning. Configuration Management. Application deployment. Orchestration. Monitoring. Security.

The right path to drive change with confidence

Looking for solutions to real problems?

Embraces the change with confidence and deep knowledge

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Learn more about our experience

Our instructors are professionals implementing and spreading knowledge that works.