
Embracing the change

Challenged by new paradigms that came with the move to the cloud, organizations requires new solutions that help them to embraces the culture transformation. We provide a set of solutions that help to achieve the cloud adoption with confidence and deep knowledge.

Continuous Cloud Configuration Auditing

Enforce your security posture validating your AWS environments to ensure the proper security settings are in place and enabled, while achieving an accurate security baseline.

• Embraces AWS with confidence knowing that your cloud configuration adheres to industry best practices. Enable regular scanning and alerting to ensure no changes are made to your environment.

• Risks identification and visualization across your environments, such as wide open security groups or changes in your identity and access management policies.

• Monitor and prioritize notification alerts from multiple AWS accounts in one centralized interface.

Event Host Monitoring Solution

Conduct behavior based monitoring and immediately detect suspicious events. A ready to use set of rules which provide alerts for common security events.

• Identify untrusted system modifications with File Integrity Monitoring.

• Catch threats with behavioral monitoring of users and processes.

• Immediately detect anomalous user, process and file activity.

Continuous Compliance

Be compliant with PCI, HIPAA, SOC II, SOX 404, and ISO 27001 and customer requirements using an out of the box battled tested rulesets.

• Communicate to auditors and customers that your organization is fulfilling its compliance requirements with an easy solution ready to be deployed.

• Receive daily reports about the organization compliance status.

Infrastructure provisioning. Configuration Management. Application deployment. Orchestration. Monitoring. Security.

The right path to drive change with confidence

DevOps Training

Learn DevOps and infrastructure practices from experts. These trainings are designed to support those new to the DevOps culture and practices.

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Learn more about our experience

We are a highly motivated and versatile team of engineers who has consulted, contributed and managed dozens of projects over the past 15 years for startups and big organizations. We passionate about staying up to date on current technologies and practices, and greatly appreciate opportunities for solving problems with modern approaches.